Reilly Goodale
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, tLMHCWelcome, I am currently a tLMHC at Goldfinch Counseling in Windsor Heights, IA, just outside downtown Des Moines.
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Are you often feeling like your past is in your present? Impacting everything from your ability to cope with day to day stressors to romantic relationships or even your relationship with yourself? I know that very feeling. Feeling as though you have healed from past experiences only to have them show up unexpectedly in different ways impacting how you move forward in life. This can often leave clients anxious, depressed and scared of the future. I want clients to know they can heal!!!
If you need help in figuring out why, and how, you make the choices you make I can help. Need assistance addressing an issue? I can help. If you're kinky, I can help. I understand the various structures and dynamics of power exchange. I am skilled at deciphering between healthy and unhealthy processes and relationships. If you are transitioning, I can help. If you are a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I can help. If I am not the right person for you, I can help find the person that fits.
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If you identify as an empath, a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), a Highly Intuitive Person (HIP), or curious about connecting to a holistic approach. I understand the unique challenges you face. I'm here to offer a safe space for you to explore anxiety & depression, develop a deeper understanding of yourself, and embrace your gifts.
"Nothing will change unless you change." ~Tony Robbins. You have access to increase your quality of life and make a commitment to live a more fulfilling life. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, stress, feeling overwhelmed, (PTSD), grief/loss, relationship problems, life challenges, or on a journey of self-discovery, know that you don’t have to be alone or suffer. Let me assist you in moving forward, managing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.