About My Clients
You may be reading this because you’ve experienced a very difficult loss or transition in your life. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one or a pregnancy. Perhaps you are struggling as you or a relative begin hospice care or approach the end stage of a disease. You might be grieving a beloved pet or the end of a meaningful relationship. Loss, although universal, can feel isolating and unbearable to endure. I can help you cope – you don’t need to go through this alone.
My Background and Approach
Through my work helping others navigate grief and death, I’ve been described as a “bright light in a time of darkness.” I’m a warm and welcoming therapist with a deep understanding and capability for helping people who are struggling. Therapy with me is informed by my five years spent as a hospice social worker and extensive grief and loss training.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
Working in the grief and loss field, I understand that our American culture is very uncomfortable with death and dying. I believe we would all benefit from moving closer to normalizing death, talking about our own mortality, and having end-of-life preference conversations. Apart from my grief therapy profession, I also volunteer managing a large community of interfaith families, and my young children (along with us) have attended significantly more human rights rallies and political protests than I ever did as a child. If you want to learn more about me, I welcome you to reach out and schedule a free consultation.