About My Clients
I serve primarily LGBTQIA+ populations as a member of this broad community myself. Nonmonogamous and/or kinky folks also find a place of acceptance in my office. I utilize trauma informed practices and find that clients who have trauma in their background are frequently drawn to work with me because I do not shy away from what they're bringing with them. Because I am direct, I find that people who require direct communication and autistic people are well-served by my approach.
My Background and Approach
I graduated from San Francisco State University's Counseling M.S. program, which has given me a thorough grounding in social justice and ways of working toward equity. Through this rigorous program, I worked as a trainee in two sites. One was a high needs high school and one was an LGBTQ community center, both of which have informed my practices around trauma, inclusion, and accessibility. I utilize what is going on now as a window into what underlying processes are causing your current stresses and help you to identify the underlying patterns in order to replace them with healthier more affirming ones. I accept the fullness of your being, so that you can learn to accept yourself and improve your relationships with those around you. I use symbolism and metaphor to help you build a map of your psyche to facilitate change into greater wholeness and wellness.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
I believe that every one of us has the capacity to heal and grow, provided the right support and environment. Many issues people bring into therapy stem from systemic injustice, and I am committed to my part in acknowledging and dismantling the power of those systems to facilitate health for all. I am a queer, kinky, nonbinary, nonmonogamous human who has worked through depression and existential issues, all while needing to educate mental health professionals about my identity along the way. Part of why I decided to become a therapist was so that you would not have to educate your therapist in addition to the difficult self-work you are already facing. I love to move my body in ways that challenge me, primarily yoga and dance currently, and being in nature rejuvenates me.